Displaying 471 - 480 of 584

Micro-Lending for Small Farmers in Bangladesh: Does it Affect Farm Households' Land Allocation Decision?

Farmers in Bangladesh lack access to formal financial institutions and micro-lending institutions

Microcredit Impact Assessment: The Brazilian And Chilean Cases

How has microfinance performed in Brazil and Chile?

Workshop Proceedings of Imp-Act Thematic Group Meeting on Understanding the Wider Impacts of Microfinance

Proceedings from "Imp-Act Thematic Group Meeting on Understanding the Wider Impacts of Microfinance"

Globalization and Migration: The Impact of Family Remittances in Latin America

The developmental role of remittances in the Latin American countries

The Impact of Development Finance: Where are We and Where are We Going?

Improving the impact of impact assessments

Rural Microfinance Clients in Uganda: FINCA Client Analysis

Qualitative research findings on rural microfinance clients of the FINCA

Towards Women's Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from the Participatory Impact Assessment of South Asian Poverty Alleviation programme in Andhra Pradesh, India

Comprehensive program addressing poverty, women empowerment and social development

Evidence on the Social and Economic Impact of Grameen Bank and BRAC on the Poor in Bangladesh

Assessing economic, social and political impact of microcredit programs

Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Impacts of Microenterprise Services

Towards a Household Approach to Impact Assessment

Microfinance Impact Assessments: The Perils of Using New Members as a Control Group

Are the problems of dropout biases inherent in cross-sectional impact evaluation solvable?