Displaying 461 - 470 of 584

Impact of Microcredit on Poverty: Evidence from Bangladesh

Focussing on objective and subjective poverty

Microcredit: One of Many Intervention Strategies

Is microcredit always successful?

Imp-Act Synthesis Report for April 2001-March 2002

Why we need credible impact assessment systems based on the priorities of microfinance organizations

Bulgaria Microfinance Assessment

Suggesting ways for USAID to contribute to the growth of its microfinance programs in Bulgaria
Case Study

Use and Impact of Savings Services among Low Income People in South Africa

What features of savings services do low-income people find attractive?


Can sampling affect the reliability and credibility of an impact assessment?

Research Strategy for the AIMS Core Impact Assessments

Research strategies used by AIMS CIA advance impact assessment methodologies
Guide / Toolkit

Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Small Enterprise Initiatives

Assessing the impact of donor-funded initiatives designed to reduce poverty

Future Challenges Facing the MFIs of Bangladesh: Choice of Target Groups, Loan Sizes and Rate of Interest

For what challenges should Bangladeshi microfinance institutions prepare?