Displaying 521 - 530 of 584
Case Study

Grameen Telecom's Village Phone Programme in Rural Bangladesh: A Multi-Media Case Study

Grameen Telephone: Aiding rural development

Gender Impact Assessment in Microfinance and Microenterprise, Why and How

What outcomes should assessors look out for?
Guide / Toolkit

Learning From Clients: Assessment Tools for Microfinance Practitioners

Five assessment tools and step by step instructions for practitioners to gather program information

Microfinance and the Empowerment of Women - A Review of the Key Issues

Empowerment cannot be assumed to be an automatic outcome of microfinance programmes for women
Guide / Toolkit

Client Exit Surveys: A Tool for Understanding Client "Drop-Out"

How drop out clients can contribute to effective impact assesment

How Can Impact Assessment Take Into Account Wider Social and Economic Impacts?

How does microfinance interact with other systems?

Cooperatives and Employment in Africa

Can cooperatives generate employment?

Empirical Measurements of Household's Access to Credit and Credit Constraints in Developing Countries: Methodological Issues and Evidence

Illustrating the usefulness of employing credit limits to assess households' access to credit

Cost Benefit Analysis Applied to Micro Credit Program Evaluation

Can Cost Benefit Analysis be used for impact assessment?