All News and Announcements

Showing 81 - 90 of 150

Financiera Confianza and IFC Sign Agreement to Promote Financial Inclusion With a Gender Approach for Migrants in Peru

The agreement between Financiera Confianza and IFC contemplates the instrumentation of tools that allow a closer knowledge of the needs, challenges, preferences, experiences and aspirations of foreign men and women residing in Peru in everything related to the use of financial services.


Deadline to Apply Extended for the 2022 Leadership & Diversity Program for Regulators!

The Leadership & Diversity Program for Regulators is now accepting applications on a rolling basis.


Women Entrepreneurs With Microfinance Loans Face Lots of Challenges, With or Without a Pandemic

Microfinance-supported entrepreneurs have exhibited the same resourcefulness that has characterized many other small businesses during the pandemic. At the same time, they face a variety of ongoing challenges.


New: Gender-Aware Supervision Toolkit to Assist Financial Supervisors With Integrating Gender Dimensions Into Their Practices

The toolkit, First Step: Integrating Gender into Technology-Enabled Financial Sector Supervision, is intended to help supervisory authorities at all levels of gender-awareness. 


WEE-DiFine Initiative: Request for Proposals

Following the success of the first two Requests for Proposals (RFPs), WEE-DiFine is excited to announce the launch of its third RFP.


Pro Mujer Launches Emprende Platform to Incubate Women-Owned Microenterprises in Latin America

The US-based social enterprise Pro Mujer this week launched the pilot phase of the platform, a Spanish-language resource for women running “subsistence” enterprises.


Call for Experiences: Incorporating Women's Agency into Program Design

SEEP is seeking input, resources, and examples from WEE working group members to spark dialogue and inform upcoming activities on this key topic.


Call for Resources: Savings Groups, Women & COVID-19

These key topics of investigation for the Learning Group are Women’s Voice and Leadership, and Strengthening Savings Group Resilience to Shocks.


Three Actions to Expand Women’s Financial Inclusion in the Midst of COVID-19

International Women's Forum member Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President & CEO of Women’s World Banking, shares three key points for expanding women’s financial inclusion in response to the impact of the ongoing pandemic.


IEIN Seeking Collaborators to Establish Market Linkages for Self-Help Groups

The aim of the project is to support SHGs by providing them with business training, production skills and marketing information to empower rural women to adopt non-agricultural means of earning a sustainable livelihood.