Guide / Toolkit

A Fresh Approach in Human Capacity Development - The Establishment of a Certification System for Microfinance Managers in Indonesia

How can donor interventions in capacity building be efficiently and effectively designed?
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This paper presents a new approach in the area of capacity building, namely the introduction of a certification scheme (CERTIF). It describes the capacity building system developed for the microfinance industry in Indonesia. The paper provides the answers to the following:

  • How to create a certification system?
  • Why to create a certification system?

The report further describes the features of the system:

  • The system has its focus on skills and competencies needed by microfinance managers to efficiently and profitably run their respective institutions;
  • The system is centered on a certification institute, the CERTIF Institute, which is in charge of:
    • Developing skills and competency catalogues;
    • Setting standards for training materials and delivery;
    • Carrying out examinations to assess the capacity of microfinance managers.
  • Training development is based on market demand;
  • Training programs are carried out by the training providers competing in the free market.

Some of the lessons learned and main recommendations are as under:

  • Embed capacity building into a broader sector development strategy;
  • Provide enough time for conceptual discussions;
  • Leave opportunities open;
  • Ensure independence of the system;
  • Provide enough resources for institutional development;
  • Do not neglect institutionalization for operational tasks;
  • Use 'smart" subsidies.

Finally the paper concludes with the three main favorable conditions identified for the CERTIF are:

  • A conducive political environment;
  • A developed (and segmented) microfinance market;
  • An established training provider market.

About this Publication

By Kerer, J.