Showing 91 - 100 of 122 results

Microfinance, Rural Livelihoods and Women's Empowerment in Uganda

How can microfinance facilitate women's empowerment?

Gender Inequalities in the Risks of Poverty and Social Exclusion for Disadvantaged Groups in Thirty European Countries

Evaluating the gender dimension to the social inclusion process

Self-Help Groups: A Keystone of Microfinance in India - Women Empowerment & Social Security

Improving the Self Help Group (SHG) operating model

Support for Growth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Looking at the need to support women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Changing Social Institutions to Improve the Status of Women in Developing Countries

Examining social power relations to tackle gender inequality

GEM 2004 Report on Women and Entrepreneurship

Factors affecting the role of women as entrepreneurs

We Were In Fire, Now We Are In Water: Micro-Credit and Gender Relations in Rural Bangladesh

The role of microcredit in empowering women

State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report 2002

Presenting challenges and new directions in microfinance to achieve the Millennium Development Goals