Showing 61 - 70 of 108 results

Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: Evidence from the Self Help Group Bank Linkage Programme in India

Examining the sufficiency of microfinance as a tool to empower women

Peer Education and Alternative Income: An Effective Mainstreaming Strategy for Devadasi (Temple Prostitutes) Women to Leave Sex Trade in Bellary District, Karnataka, India

World Vision efforts to raise general awareness for HIV and AIDS through mobile medical camps

Microfinance and Female Empowerment

Empowering women through the adoption of high productivity informal activities

Influencing Girls' Lives: Acceptability and Effectiveness of a Livelihoods Skill Building Intervention in Gujarat

Evaluating effectiveness of a livelihood skills building program

Self-Help Groups: A Keystone of Microfinance in India - Women Empowerment & Social Security

Improving the Self Help Group (SHG) operating model

Is Microfinance a 'Magic Bullet' for Women's Empowerment? Analysis of Findings from South Asia

Challenging the hegemony of microfinance in women's empowerment

Women in Self Help Groups and Panchayti Raj Institutions: Suggesting Synergistic Linkages

Studying processes of women empowerment

Pact's WORTH Model: A Savings-led Approach to Economic Security and Combating HIV/AIDS

How can participant-owned village banking help women address problems like HIV/AIDS?