
Decentralisation and Gender Balancing by Doctrine of Equity: Empowering Women through PRIs in India

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For sustainable economic and social development to take place in any country, it is necessary that people participate in the political process. The process of participation is complex and it is by no means clear that it is comprehensively inclusive. It is not possible to assume that all sections of the population take part effectively in the political and democratic processes of society. There are many reasons why people may not participate from apathy to a sense of helplessness. Women are one side of a coin, half in every respect, then why not in power? Government of India, by constitutional obligation reserved one third of seats in local government for women paved the way for women participation in politics. By cascading effect women became participative in other fields too. The paper describe how women empowered due to affirmative state actions.

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By Sapovadia, P.