Showing 61 - 70 of 93 results
FinEquity Blog

Beyond Outreach: Integrating Gender in Business Processes for Financial Inclusion

The processes used to design and distribute financial products—and the power dynamics underlying those steps—have significant effects on social and financial outcomes. Developing World Markets' assessment tool analyzes core business processes of inclusive financial institutions - they share some of their initial findings here. 
FinEquity Blog

Dgroups Dialogue Recap

FinEquity Blog

Track the Money: a Gendered Account of the Financial Life of Microbusiness Owners Across Asia and Africa

How do women-run microbusinesses differ from their men-run counterparts? How do the financial lives of both segments differ from each other? What kind of financial products could help women-run businesses grow? Findings from MSC (MicroSave) and L-IFT's Corner Shop Diaries research in Asia and Africa can help answer some of these questions. 
FinEquity Blog

New Survey Report: Gender Stereotypes Undermine Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment

Gender stereotypes are a root cause undermining economic equality between women and men, particularly in the entrepreneurial space. The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women shares initial findings from their recent report investigating the issue. 
FinEquity Interview

Member Spotlight: Rathi Mani-Kandt

Rathi Mani-Kandt, Head of Women's Economic Empowerment at CARE USA, sat down with us to discuss CARE's work with women entrepreneurs in Pakistan, Peru and Vietnam, her priorities in 2022 for women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment and what the FinEquity community means to her. 
FinEquity Blog

How Social Media and E-commerce Will Improve Women’s Financial Inclusion

FinEquity is a contributing partner to Women’s World Banking’s Making Finance Work for Women webinar thought leadership series. This FinEquity blog highlights key take-aways from the discussion on leveraging digital platforms for women's financial inclusion.
FinEquity Blog

Women's Empowerment Is Complex, Multidimensional, and Context-Specific; Measuring Empowerment Should Be Too

In this blog we feature three studies that have reconsidered standard approaches to the measurement of women's empowerment with surprising results.
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's April 2021 Newsletter

This month we bring you the “Social Norms Diagnostic Co-Lab” recently launched by CGAP and FinEquity, a guest blog on women’s groups and resilience, the upcoming webinar “Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability” by Women’s World Banking with FinEquity as a contributing partner, and much more.
FinEquity Blog

Understanding How the Psychosocial Elements of Women's Groups Contribute to Building Resilience

Despite the mainstream inclusion of resilience in the international development and humanitarian assistance sectors, there is still much we do not understand about the linkages between psychosocial factors, like social capital, and women’s empowerment, and resilience. 
FinEquity Blog

A Collaborative Effort to Diagnose the Effect of Social Norms on Women's Financial Inclusion

In March 2021, CGAP and FinEquity launched a peer-learning program called “Social Norms Diagnostic Co-Lab” to understand how social norms affect women’s financial inclusion in specific contexts as well as to identify opportunities to design gender-transformative solutions that advance women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment.