Showing 61 - 70 of 74 results

Tort Theory, Microfinance, and Gender Equality Convergent in Pecuniary Reparations

Achieving national level reparations through microfinance

From Microfinance to Macro Change: Integrating Health Education and Microfinance to Empower Women and Reduce Poverty

Is microfinance the best vehicle to educate poor women on reproductive health?
Guide / Toolkit

Supporting Women's ICT-Based Enterprises: A Handbook for Agencies in Development

Manual to help promote, initiate and improve women's ICT-based micro and small enterprise

GEM 2004 Report on Women and Entrepreneurship

Factors affecting the role of women as entrepreneurs

Microfinance and the Poor

Should microfinance integrate with the mainstream financial systems?

Supporting Women's Livelihoods: Microfinance that Works for the Majority - A Guide to Best Practices

Can microfinance improve the livelihoods of poor women?
Guide / Toolkit

Information and Communications Technology as a Tool for Empowerment

Can ICTs help to empower poor people?
Guide / Toolkit

A Guide to Gender Sensitive Microfinance

Examining methodologies for integrating gender mainstreaming into microfinance initiatives/programs

Gender Impact Assessment in Microfinance and Microenterprise, Why and How

What outcomes should assessors look out for?