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Showing 321 - 330 of 394 results
FinDev Guide

Top Ten Publications of 2017

Presenting the Gateway’s most downloaded library publications from the past year, plus some bonus Editor's Picks. See what others have been reading, and let us know your favorites from 2017!
FinDev Interview

Microfinance for Housing: State of Play

The Gateway sat down with Christoph Pausch, Executive Secretary of e-MFP, to discuss housing finance, the focus of this year's European Microfinance Week, and what we can learn from recent housing finance initiatives. 
FinDev Interview

From Diamond Future to Cool Teens to SWAG: Designing Financial Products for Young People

Adaeze Ume of Nigeria’s Diamond Bank talks about how and why Diamond Bank works with young clients, and shares insights on banking youth throughout their lifecycle. 
FinDev Interview

The Transformative Role of Insurance in African Agriculture

After their session at European Microfinance Week, Katharine Pulvermacher and Stewart McCulloch discuss challenges and new models for making agricultural insurance more accessible.
FinDev Blog

How to Bring More Women into Mobile Money

To improve the user experience of mobile money smartphone apps and help overcome barriers for women, GRID Impact uses human-centered design - creating solutions with women, not just for women.
FinDev Interview

Should We Be Talking About Financial Health Instead of Inclusion?

Carrie Creasey shares why MetLife Foundation has shifted its focus to financial health - a concept that can tell us a lot more than financial inclusion can about how people's use of financial tools impacts their lives.
FinDev Interview

What Are the Funding Gaps in Housing Microfinance?

In this Gateway interview, Sandra Prieto and Laura Hemrika tell us what they expect from their panel session at European Microfinance Week, and provide insights about the importance of funding for housing microfinance.
FinDev Blog

Why Decided to Forego MFI Partnerships

After considering partnering with MFIs for a new asset-based financing program, the biogas system producer realized they'd be better off creating their own program. Here they share their experiences and lessons learned.
FinDev Blog

Four Challenges for Shifting from MFI to SME Finance

Lessons learned at African Microfinance Week on effective tools for moving into this customer segment in Africa.
FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion Measurement Goes Mobile

Technology is remaking the financial system every couple of years, and Global Findex is adapting accordingly. Check out this sneak peak of new data to be released in April 2018 with questions on mobile and internet usage.