FinDev Guide

Top Ten Publications of 2017

Presenting the Gateway’s most downloaded library publications from the past year
Silkworm processing, Vietnam. Photo credit: Tran Van Tuy, 2017 CGAP Photo Contest.

Over the past year, the Gateway added 125 new papers, 16 case studies, and 12 toolkits to our library. Many were sent in by readers like you, and others we sought out from our numerous partner organizations. In 2017, we recorded over 150,000 publication downloads across our four language sites.

Here we present you with the top ten downloaded publications from 2017. See what others have been reading, and check them out yourself:


Computer screen, Photo Credit: Simone D. Mccourtie, World Bank

Blockchain: Opportunities for Private Enterprises in Emerging Markets

Examining the potential and perils of blockchain, with particular focus on financial sectors

Mobile phone screen, Photo Credit: AJ Rudin, CGAP Photo

Financial Data Collection Through Interactive Mobile Phone Podcasts

Case study looking at behavior, perceptions and barriers to adoption of financial services

Man using a credit card terminal, Photo Credit: Ady Agustian, 2015 CGAP Photo Contest

Behavioural Applications to Digital Finance

Insights for FSPs looking to better understand their customers’ financial behavior

17-year-old refugee, Photo Credit: Dominic Chavez, World Bank

The Role of Financial Services in Humanitarian Crises

Guidance and operational lessons on financial sector interventions for people in crisis

Woman carrying lunch boxes. Photo Credit: Ahmed Suhal, 2016 CGAP Photo Contest

Status of Microfinance in India 2016-17

Highlights from the Self-Help Group-Bank Linkage Program

Man showing his savings. Photo Credit: Ashish Kumar, 2015 CGAP Photo Contest

Delivering Formal Financial Services to Savings Groups: A Handbook for Financial Service Providers

Reference guide to help FSPs design solutions that respond to the needs of savings groups

Women looking at their phone. Photo Credit: Thai Son Le, 2015 CGAP Photo Contest

Connected Women: Mapping the Mobile Money Gender Gap: Insights from Côte d’Ivoire and Mali

Where do female customers drop off on the mobile money customer journey?

Man with children standing near a tent. Photo Credit: Dominic Chavez, World Bank

Economic Inclusion of the Poorest Refugees: Building Resilience Through the Graduation Approach

How to serve the poorest and most vulnerable people in a refugee context

Man with a wheel. Photo Credit: A.M. Ahad, 2015 CGAP Photo Contest

Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth: A Review of Recent Empirical Evidence

Understanding the relationship between financial inclusion and macroeconomic growth

Woman with her children. Photo Credit: Dominic Chavez, World Bank

Serving Refugee Populations - The Next Financial Inclusion Frontier: Guidelines for Financial Service Providers

Six concrete steps that FSPs can take in preparation for serving refugee clients

And don’t miss these publications from 2017 - our Editor’s Picks:


Beyond Financial Inclusion: Financial Health as a Global Framework

A global framework for measuring consumer financial health

How To Succeed In Your Digital Journey: A Series of Toolkits for Financial Service Providers

Disaster Risk Reduction for Financial Service Providers: Promising Practices for Building Resiliency & Facilitator's Toolkit

Curriculum with flexible, ready-to-use guide, instructional materials and key learnings

Customer-Centric Guide

Collection of hands-on toolkits and experiments for designing effective financial services

Children and Finance: Consumer Protection and Security of Savings and Payments

Overview of recommendations, guidelines and best practices

Do you see anything missing from this list? What were your favorite publications from 2017? Let us know here!

Check out the Top Ten Publications of 2017 from the Gateway's other language sites:

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