Showing 11 - 20 of 23 results
External Webinar

How Can Data Open Opportunity for Women During and After COVID-19?

Hear from leaders of three financial service providers and fintechs about their successes and challenges in gathering and analyzing data in ways that specifically address the evolving needs of women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COP Webinar

Understanding Women’s Rural Transition and Service Needs

The discussion is based on the recently published Pathways to Prosperity report, and the gender deep dive Understanding Women’s Rural Transition and Service Needs, which highlights specific challenges and barriers that rural women face based on their context and life cycle stage.   

COP Webinar

Can Social Norms Theory Provide a Roadmap for Women’s Financial Inclusion?

With one in every three women still being financially excluded, there is increased recognition of the role that gendered social norms play in limiting economic opportunities for women. 

COP Webinar

REPOA: Mobile Phone Ownership and DFS in Tanzania

While mobile phone access is a strong influencer of digital financial services amongst women, barriers to usage are often less clear.

COP Webinar

Integrating Gender in Research Planning

Learn practical ways to integrate gender in financial inclusion research using Oxfam's new guidelines on Integrating Gender in Research Planning. These were recently shared with FinEquity members during a webinar in collaboration with Oxfam.

COP Webinar

For Good Measure Practical Tips for Measuring the Impact of Financial Inclusion on Women's Economic Empowerment

This webinar highlights the process for developing measurement instruments and examples of relevant indicators for financial inclusion that can be measured and tracked by a range of stakeholders. 

COP Webinar

Understanding the Financial Needs of Female Smallholders

COP Webinar

Gender Insights from FinScope!

Watch the above webinar recording, hosted by the Data & Measurement Working Group of the Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice (WFI COP).

COP Webinar

Gender in the Financial Inclusion Insights (FII) Data!