
How to Align the HR Function and Business Strategy for Organizational Success

Lessons learned from the e-MFP HR AG's survey and voices from the field

This webinar series, organized by the e-MFP Human Resources Action Group in collaboration with ILO Social Finance, will share the presenters' deep knowledge of the technical and leadership aspects of the HR function as well as insights learned from the e-MFP HR Action Group's survey of 195 FSPs in 2021 on their current strengths and areas of opportunity related to Human Resources Management (HRM). Recommendations will be shared about how to develop a HRM system that is more strategic in bringing the HR function to bear in business planning and maximizing the potential of both leaders and staff.


  • Isabelle Katthagen, Academy of German Cooperatives (ADG)
  • Dr. Elisabeth Niendorf, Academy of German Cooperatives (ADG)
  • Manuchar Chitaishvili, Crystal, Georgia
  • Hugues Bonshe, Baobab Madagascar

Read "Human Resource Development Practices in the Microfinance Sector"