FinEquity Webinar

Gender in the Financial Inclusion Insights (FII) Data!

Gender in the Financial Inclusion Insights (FII) Data

Watch the above recording of a webinar, hosted by the Data & Measurement working group of the Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice.

This webinar is the third in a series on demand side data on women’s financial inclusion. Viewers will learn about FII's gender focus, behavioral insights and questions related digital financial inclusion in addition to examples of recent findings relevant to women's financial inclusion. The webinar also provides an overview of ways in which users can access and manipulate the publicly available data through FII's data portal.


  • FII Webinar Slides (PDF)

About this event

COP Webinar
COP Topics:
Gender Data & Analysis, Digital Solutions
Nadia van de Walle, InterMedia

Nadia van de Walle


Nadia currently manages financial inclusion and consumer insights research for InterMedia. In this role, she uses mixed-methodology research to measure and evaluate impact, design new initiatives, produce market-level analysis, and better understand users’ decision-making and experiences. Nadia is responsible for the Financial Inclusion Insights (FII) program's strategic communications and partnership development, working with stakeholders to design and implement effective and appropriate solutions. Previously, she managed Africa initiatives at Accion’s Center for Financial Inclusion. She has expertise in consumer protection and standard setting and measurement for impact evaluation. Nadia has a Masters in economics from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, BA in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania, and is fluent in French and English.