Displaying 21 - 30 of 234

Microfinance Barometer 2017

Is microfinance still working?

Voice of the Client

This report presents the findings of the Voice of the Client pilot project, with the objective to strengthen the application of Client Protection Principles in the microfinance sector and ensure that financial services are tailored to meet client needs.


Client Outcomes Report: 2014-2016

Evaluating the impact of Friendship Bridge's microcredit plus program in Guatemala
FinDev Blog

What’s Working and What’s Not in Social Performance Management?

An honest conversation about social performance in Latin America at the SPTF Annual Meeting

FinDev Blog

Bottom-Up or Top-Down: Which Way Should Regulation Go?

When does microfinance regulation help the institutions it covers, and when does it hinder them? A lively conversation took place at the SPTF Annual Meeting between regulators and the regulated in Latin America.


An Evaluation Study of Social Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Yemen

Can microfinance institutions play a role in enhancing social performance?
Case Study

Case Study of KOMIDA: A Journey to Implement the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management

Lessons learned from an Indonesian MFI's experience with social performance management

Guidelines on Outcomes Management for Financial Service Providers

Key Terms and 10 STEPS for Practical, Cost-effective, Outcomes Management

Making the Case for Outcomes Management to Financial Service Providers

How can FSPs take advantage of client outcomes data to strengthen social and financial performance?
Guide / Toolkit

Series of SPTF Guidance Notes: Issues 7-10

Practical resources to address operational challenges with social performance management