Displaying 301 - 310 of 498

Banking Options for Children in Situations of Vulnerability, Compounded by HIV/AIDS: Outcomes of a Study Conducted in Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, & Tamil Nadu

What savings options do orphaned and vulnerable children in India have?

Microfinance, Self-Help Groups and Empowerment in Maharashtra

Has access to microfinance empowered women to make decisions?

You Cannot Save Alone: Financial and Social Mobilisation in Savings and Credit Groups

Analyzing the importance of group dynamics in microfinance

Savings Banks' Socially Responsible Activities, A Wealth of Experience

How do savings banks fulfill their social responsibilities?

Does Microfinance Empower Women? Evidence from Self Help Groups in India

This study looks at the link between microfinance and women empowerment

Borrower Empowerment and Savings: A Two-Stage Microfinance Scheme

The role of savings and borrower empowerment in microfinance

Global Savings, Assets, & Financial Inclusion: Lessons, Challenges, & Directions

Proceedings from "Global Savings, Assets, & Financial Inclusion: Lessons, Challenges, & Directions"

Promotion of Rural Savings through Microfinance: The Experience of Sinapi Aba Trust in Ghana

Paper presented at FAO, the Ford Foundation, and IFAD'’s conference on rural finance research