Displaying 201 - 210 of 498

Accelerating Financial Capability Among Youth: Nudging New Thinking

Suggesting mechanisms to inculcate savings habit in youth
Case Study

The Role of Microfinance in Women's Empowerment: A Study on the SHG Bank Linkage Program in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)

Examining the role of microfinance in women's empowerment

Deposit Assessment in Nepal

Examining challenges and opportunities in development of microdeposits in Nepal

Deposit Assessment in Sri Lanka

Analyzing the demand and supply gap in microdeposits

Deposit Assessment in Bangladesh

Understanding the demand and supply of savings products for the poor

Savings-linked Conditional Cash Transfers: Lessons, Challenges & Directions

Report on the Global Colloquium on Savings-Linked Condition Cash Transfers, New York, November 2010

Not Just for a Rainy Day: Some Findings on the Role of Savings from the Financial Diaries in Malawi

Exploring the role of savings in the lives of the poor in Malawi

Final Results from Trickle Up Client Monitoring System: Program Sustainability

Analyzing client monitoring system data

Corporate Governance and Access to Finance

Analyzing the connection between corporate governance and access to finance

Deposit Assessment in India

Broadening and deepening the outreach of formal financial systems