
Final Results from Trickle Up Client Monitoring System: Program Sustainability

Analyzing client monitoring system data
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This report analyses the results from the Client Monitoring System (CMS) implemented by Trickle Up, an organization in West Bengal, India. This CMS has been set up as part of the CGAP-Ford Graduation Program. The objective of the program is to provide the extreme poor with a series of carefully sequenced inputs to help them ‘graduate out of extreme poverty and into sustainable livelihood.

The report notes that a well-implemented CMS sheds light upon program outcomes and also reveals sustainability of program results. It studies CMS data for a one year period from July 2009-July 2010. Key findings include:

  • Decrease in total livestock ownership;
  • Increase in diversification of livelihoods;
  • Constant food consumption patterns;
  • Increase in informal savings and size of loans per person;
  • Growth against social indicators across the board such as school attendance, purchase of clothes, attendance levels at social events, etc.

About this Publication

By Chanani, S. , Huda, K.