Displaying 611 - 620 of 670

Bulgaria Law on Banks

A look at the law that regulates the commercial banks of Bulgaria

Law of the Republic Of Armenia on Value Added Tax

Definition and a list of guidelines related to charging of VAT

The Banking and Financial Institutions Regulation, 1997

What are the laws that Tanzanian banks and financial institution should follow?

Fostering Financial Innovation for the Poor: The Policy and Regulatory Environment

Is Financial innovation crucial for MFI's to be successful in reaching the poor?

Moneylenders and Bankers: Price-increasing Subsidies in a Monopolistically Competitive Market

How do subsidies affect lending in rural credit markets?

Civil Code of Georgia

What are the laws regulating citizens of Georgia?

Kenya: The Co-operative Societies Rules, 2004

This document lists the rules for Co-operative Societies in Kenya

Resolution of the Parliament of Georgia Concerning the Law of Georgia

Laying down clear registration and accounting procedures for enterprises

Bank Regulation and the Network Paradigm: Policy Implications for Developing and Transition Economies

Framework for effective regulation of the banking sector