Displaying 461 - 470 of 670

2002 Regulation on Asset Classification and Creation of Possible Loss Reserves by Credit Unions

Ensuring sound financial condition of credit unions through asset management systems

Policy Monitor: Microfinance Regulation in Kosovo

Discussions on microfinance regulations in Central and Eastern Europe and the Independent States

Malawi: Microfinance Policy and Action Plan

An action plan to facilitate the adoption of best practices by the microfinance sector

2002 Regulation on Minimum Capital Requirement for Credit Unions

Is the maintenance of minimum capital important for credit unions?

Bank of Thailand: Submission of Policy Guideline on Liquidity Management

Policy guidelines for the liquidity management of financial institutions and relevant report forms

Regulation on Capital Adequacy Requirements for Commercial Banks

Setting prudential standards for commercial banks in the Republic of Georgia

Regulation on the Supervision of Savings & Credit Associations and their Unions. (Decision no. 67, dated August 28, 2002)

What are the provisions for supervision of Savings and Credit Associations in Albania?

Employment, Budget Priorities and Microenterprises

Egypt- Options for better employment

The Kyrgyz Republic Law on Microfinance Organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic

Law for the microfinance organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic

Report on the Legal and Regulatory Environment for Microfinance Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan

The legal and regulatory aspects for a microfinance business in Tajikistan