
Policy Monitor: Microfinance Regulation in Kosovo

Discussions on microfinance regulations in Central and Eastern Europe and the Independent States
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This issue of the magazine discusses various aspects of the regulation of microfinance in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States (CEE & NIS). It focuses on the following topics:

  • Resolution on microfinance in Uzbekistan - discusses the attempts of United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government, to develop a sound legal system for microcredit;
  • Microfinance regulation in Kosovo - discusses the conflicting ideas of MFIs and the Banking and Payments Authority in Kosovo (BPK), with regard to legislation;
  • Reforming the Serbian legal environment for MFIs - discusses the hesitation of the National Bank of Yugoslavia (NBY) in supporting MFIs; also discusses the support for microfinance amongst donors and policy makers to build an enabling regulatory environment for microfinance in Serbia;
  • The microfinance sector in Ukraine - discusses donor-supported microfinance projects and legislative reform efforts in Ukraine;
  • Legal environment for microfinance in Azerbaijan - discusses the absence of a sound legal environment for MFIs in Azerbaijan and the remedial efforts made by international donors and Government;
  • The article ‘CGAP to Publish Position Paper on Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance’ explains the scope of the paper and lists the key policy recommendations of the paper.

Apart from these articles, the magazine also discusses the Policy Program of the Microfinance Center, the Second NIS Policy Forum on Microfinance Law and Regulation, and carries an interview with the first Deputy Minister for Agriculture in Armenia.

About this Publication

By Qerimi, B.