Displaying 391 - 400 of 670

Banks and Financial Institutions Ordinance, 2004

Governing financial institutions in Nepal

Emerging Scenarios for Microfinance Regulation in India: Some Observations from the Field

Current debate on microfinance regulation in India

Legal Issues Pertaining to Non-Profit Organisations in India

How are non-profit organizations registered in India?

Microfinance Companies and Microcredit Activities Regulations 2004

Directive applicable to financial institutions licensed as Microfinance Companies

Tajikistan Law on Microfinance Organizations

Regulating legal and organizational grounds for microfinance activity and the microfinance market

Do Apex Models Make Sense for Microfinance?

Are national apex funds a good financing option for microfinance?

Amendments to Current Regulations to Address Non Governmental Organizations

How can Tanzanian regulations be amended to suit the needs of non government organizations?

Principles and Practices for Regulating and Supervising Microfinance

How to supervise microfinance institutions?

Egypt - Executive Regulations Of The Law of The Central Bank, The Banking Sector and Money (Promulgated by Law No. 88 of the Year 2003)

The official document of the Arab Republic of Eygpt's law on banking sector and money.

Pro-Poor Financial System Development

Issues in the microfinance market in Vietnam to build sustainable and profitable services