Displaying 371 - 380 of 670

Decree of the Board of Managing Directors of Bank Indonesia Concerning the Legal Lending Limit for Commercial Banks

Improved regulations concerning the legal lending limit for banks in Indonesia

Bangladesh: BRPD Circular No. 5, April 9, 2005: Master Circular - Single Borrower Exposure Limit

Circular issued by Bangladesh Bank to improve credit risk management of Scheduled banks

Towards A National Strategy for Microfinance in Egypt

A comprehensive microfinance strategy to increase outreach and diversity of microfinance products

Nepal: National Microfinance Policy, 2005

National Microfinance Policy, 2005 formulated and enacted by the Government of Nepal

Bangladesh: Prudential Regulations for Banks: Selected Issues

Regulations governing banks in Bangladesh

Policy Challenges for Microfinance Design and Practice in Nigeria

This paper suggests policy measures to improve the state of microfinance in Nigeria

Peru: General Law of the Financial and Insurance Systems

The regulatory and supervisory framework for financial and insurance systems in Peru