Displaying 621 - 630 of 894

Davids & Goliaths in International MicroFinance: The Challenge for Specialized Raters

The challenge for the future of microfinance raters is acceptance by large international investors

Where Are They Now? Following the Progress of Seven Deposit-Taking Institutions From 1996-2003

Analyzing the progress of seven leading small savings institutions
Case Study

Financial Inclusion Services Research

An assessment of the extent of sustainable services delivery by CDFI to financially excluded people

Microfinance in India: Current Trends and Challenges

Providing an overview of the supply, demand and potential of the microfinance sector in India

Microfinance in Uzbekistan: Current State and Future Prospects

Presenting recommendations for the establishment of microfinance in Uzbekistan

Microfinance in Latin America and the Caribbean: How Large is the Market?

Financial services in Latin America and the Caribbean according to MFIs and household surveys

Partnerships in Microfinance: A Discussion Primer

Potentials and pitfalls of partnership and linkages approaches

Microfinance in Africa: Rethinking the Role of the Actors

Is microfinance the right tool to unlock the potential of the poor in Africa?

Reputation and Communication in Microfinance: An Exploratory Study in Orissa, India

How can MFIs improve their communications strategy to develop a sound reputation?
Case Study

Microfinance in Mozambique: Achievements, Prospects & Challenges

Overview of the microfinance development in Mozambique in the last ten years