Displaying 41 - 50 of 76

Microfinance and Moneylender Interest Rate: Evidence from Bangladesh

Impact of microfinance programs on moneylender interest rates

Definition of a Standard Measure for Consumer Interest Rates in Kenya: A Scoping Study

Developing options for a standard measure for consumer interest rates in Kenya

MFI Pricing and Valuation- An Analysis of Key Drivers

Understanding components of micro loans pricing

Restricting Consumer Credit Access: Household Survey Evidence on Effects around the Oregon Rate Cap

Short-run effects of restricting access to expensive credit

Microloan Sharks

Are MFIs achieving double bottom lines through poverty alleviation and profit generation?

Examining Interest Rate Sensitivities among Microfinance Loan Clients in Ghana: Preliminary Results

Assessing elasticity of demand for microloans
Case Study

CGAP Reflections on the Compartamos Initial Public Offering

Do high interest rates and profits invalidate the social mission of an MFI?

What Would Leland Stanford Do?

Can microfinance serve two masters- poverty and profits?