Displaying 491 - 500 of 602

Microinsurance: Providing Profitable Risk Management Options for the Low-Income Market

Proceedings from "New Partnerships for Innovation in Microfinance", June 23-24, 2005, Frankfurt

Weather Indexes for Developing Countries

Providing weather insurance to developing countries
Case Study

Columna, Guatemala

Challenges in expanding the microinsurance market
Case Study

CARD MBA: The Philippines

Should the insurance business be run by insurance professionals?

Towards a Benchmark for Access to Life Insurance in LSM 1-5

Has FinScope been accurate in its findings about the ownership of insurance products?

New Ways for Rural Finance? Livestock Insurance Schemes in Vietnam

The feasibility of livestock insurance in Vietnam: Analyzing the supply side
Case Study

The Remarkable Story of Champaben

Is microinsurance an effective tool for risk management?

Extending Formal Insurance to the Informal Economy Workers in India

Microinsurance as one of the strategies of extending protection to low-income people

Regulation and Supervision of Microinsurance

Developing an enabling regulatory framework for microinsurance

Project USIZO: Management Report

What role does tradition play in the importance given to funerals?