Displaying 481 - 490 of 602

Micro-Insurance: A Safety Net in Risky Waters

Demand assessment of microinsurance products in Sri Lanka

Current Status and Issues in Microinsurance in Asia

Challenges in micro-insurance commercialization in Asia

Mutual Savings and Ex-Ante Payments: Group Formation in Informal Insurance Arrangements

Can savings and insurance be combined to increase the benefits of informal insurance?
Case Study

Tapping the Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case Study of Aviva Life Insurance and Linkages with Microfinance Institutions

A case study on the development of the insurance business in India and linkages to microfinance

The Access Frontier for Health Insurance

Lending a hand to the South African poor – Models for insurance

Insuring Against Bad Weather: Recent Thinking

Reducing risk in agriculture by investment and the use of index insurance

Using Microinsurance and Financial Education to Protect and Accumulate Assets

Low-income people coping with the lose of assets and the possibility of microinsurance as a solution

Microinsurance Products (Presentation)

A look at the expanding horizons of microinsurance
Case Study

Weather-based Insurance in Southern Africa: The Case of Malawi

Weather risk management techniques on food security in Malawi as a framework for Southern Africa

Managing Microinsurance Products: What are the Delivery Options?

This paper explores the various microinsurance delivery models and their pros and cons