Displaying 431 - 440 of 602

Microinsurance Demand & Market Prospects - Indonesia

This study examines the potential demand for microinsurance in Indonesia

Microinsurance: An Overview of Client, Provider and Support Perspectives

Current practices and challenges in providing microinsurance to low-income populations

Effective Microinsurance Programs to Reduce Vulnerability

This paper provides an overview of lessons learned in designing insurance products

A System of Drought Insurance for Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas

Feasibility study of drought insurance methodology used by poor farmers, and other agencies

Do Micro Health Insurance Units Need Capital or Reinsurance? A Simulated Exercise to Examine Different Alternatives

Financial sustainability of grassroots insurance mechanisms in low-income countries

An Enabling Regulatory Environment for Microinsurance

Insights on barriers to regulatory framework for microinsurance

The Demand for Microinsurance in Pakistan

Findings and recommendations for the microinsurance product development process

Insurance of Crops – A Fresh Look

An overview of the actual state of agricultural and crop insurance

Microinsurance for Risk Mitigation and Crisis Recovery

Microinsurance products can protect poor microentrepreneurs in the event of massive disasters

Market for Microinsurance in Romania: Low-Income Households Needs and Market Development Projections

Creating safety nets and reducing risk vulnerability for low-income households in Romania