Displaying 151 - 160 of 602
Case Study

Resolving Claims Dispute in Microinsurance: Threading the Alternative Path

Presentation of the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Microinsurance used in the Philippines

Jansuraksha: India’s New Tryst with Mass Insurance

An in-depth report on new policy

Learning From Others' Mistakes

Identifying challenges, failure, and lessons from microinsurance projects

Financial Innovation and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Rural Northern Nigeria

Determining if the poorest of the poor benefit from novel financial inclusion strategies

The State of Microinsurance: The Insider's Guide to Understanding the Sector

11 magazine articles from industry leaders taking stock of the microinsurance sector

Mass and Microinsurance: Consumer Protection in Inclusive Insurance Markets

3rd Consultative Forum, November 2014, Mexico City, Mexico
Case Study

Local Training Providers for Microinsurance Capacity Building

Lessons learned on developing high-quality and sustainable microinsurance training

Is Health Microinsurance Sustainable? An Analysis of Five South Asian Schemes

Results from the review of financial performance of schemes in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan
Case Study

Remote Sensing for Index Insurance: Findings and Lessons so Far

Designing effective agricultural insurance schemes based on remote sensing technologies

Is Health Microinsurance Sustainable? An Analysis of Five South Asian Schemes

Designing a viable business case for offering health microinsurance products