
The State of Microinsurance: The Insider's Guide to Understanding the Sector

11 magazine articles from industry leaders taking stock of the microinsurance sector

This annual magazine is the result of a major initiative by the Microinsurance Network bringing together some of the most authoritative voices within the field of microinsurance with the objective of taking stock of the sector and providing sector players with an in-depth understanding of the context in which they operate.

Some of the topics in this first edition of the magazine include: 

  • The state of microinsurance across the globe using data from the World Map of Microinsurance program;
  • Failures and innovations in distribution of microinsurance by MicroEnsure;
  • Approaches to regulation across the globe from A2ii;
  • The ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility take on the complexity of assessing and meeting demand;
  • The role of microinsurance in disaster risk management strategies from the Geneva Association.

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