Displaying 221 - 230 of 839
External Webinar

Women in Risk Finance

External Webinar

How to Engage Men in Finance to Increase Gender-Diverse Leadership

Watch this webinar recording as expert panel discusses the real-life barriers slowing down gender diverse leadership and tangible examples on how to successfully engage men in finance to support progress, especially for women.


Women Entrepreneurs With Microfinance Loans Face Lots of Challenges, With or Without a Pandemic

Microfinance-supported entrepreneurs have exhibited the same resourcefulness that has characterized many other small businesses during the pandemic. At the same time, they face a variety of ongoing challenges.


Deadline to Apply Extended for the 2022 Leadership & Diversity Program for Regulators!

The Leadership & Diversity Program for Regulators is now accepting applications on a rolling basis.

FinDev Quiz

What Explains the Financial Inclusion Gender Gap?

Explore your knowledge on a range of issues that affect women's financial inclusion - from gendered social norms to women's property rights to gender lens investing. How much do you know?

FinDev Guide

Guide to Upcoming Events on Women's Financial Inclusion

For International Women's Day 2022, check out this list of events addressing the gender gap and women's economic empowerment.

Slide Deck

Choice of Channel: Understanding How LMI Women Select a Channel to Conduct Financial Transactions

The framework presented in this research helps understand which channel individuals choose for conducting financial transactions and why.


Bangladesh Digital Payments Country Diagnostic (2022 Edition)

This country analysis estimates that digital payments can boost Bangladesh’s annual GDP, and responsible payments digitization in certain sectors will help accelerate progress towards the SDGs by 2030.

FinDev Interview

Women in Haiti Become Community Health Entrepreneurs

In this FinDev interview, Carine Roenen of Fonkoze shares the story of their healthcare program, Boutik Santé, winner of the 2021 European Microfinance Award. 

FinDev Blog

Track the Money: a Gendered Account of the Financial Life of Microbusiness Owners Across Asia and Africa

How do women-run microbusinesses differ from their men-run counterparts? How do the financial lives of both segments differ from each other? What kind of financial products could help women-run businesses grow? Findings from MSC (MicroSave) and L-IFT's Corner Shop Diaries research in Asia and Africa can help answer some of these questions.