Displaying 331 - 340 of 508

Financing Microfinance in India

Estimating capital requirement to increase outreach

Blended Value Investing: Capital Opportunities for Social and Environmental Impact

Using blended value investing to maximize social and environmental value with economic performance

Program Review: CGAP'S Pro-Poor Innovation Challenge 2000-2005

Innovative approaches to offer sustainable financial services to marginalized clients

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR): Sri Lanka

Analysis of Sri Lanka's microfinance sector and recommendations for donor action

Thinking About Microfinance Through a Commercial Lens

Can MFIs broaden financial service access by offering training in entrepreneurship to clients?

Accessing Loans and Grants from Bilateral and Multilateral Agencies for Microfinance Institutions

This paper examines the current status and need of foreign investment in the microfinance sector

Managing the Floodgates - Making the Most of International Flows of Microfinance Funding

This note examines the state of funding for microfinance in terms of quantity, flow and quality.

Valuing Microfinance Institutions

This paper provides an overview of valuation methods on which valuation method to choose

Better Aid: Rethinking the Way We Work

Summary report of CGAP's virtual conference "Better Aid: Rethinking the Way We Work"