
Reducing the Risk of Disasters - Helping to Achieve Sustainable Poverty Reduction in a Vulnerable World: A DFID Policy Paper

This policy paper highlights importance of risk reduction strategies for natural disasters
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This paper summarizes 'The Department for International Development' (DFID) policy on disaster risk reduction as it applies to natural and technological disasters.The paper:

  • Sets out key elements of disaster risk reduction and explains its importance;
  • Aims to provide guidance to DFID staff, United Kingdom (UK) Government departments and development partners;
  • Discusses how DFID works at the regional level and within the international system.

The paper makes the following points:

  • Disasters affect poor countries and poor people the most;
  • Absolute levels of disaster risk are increasing due to various pressures, including climate change;
  • Disasters pose a growing threat to development;
  • There are cost effective policy choices that can lower risk within the reach of even the poorest;
  • Policy makers are often reluctant to dedicate appropriate resources;
  • DFID aims to contribute to sustainable development through reducing the burden of disasters on the poor. Its objectives in achieving this are to:
    • Support an improved international system and strong institutional structures at the national and regional level that aim to reduce risk in disaster-prone developing countries;
    • Integrate risk reduction into development and humanitarian policy and planning;
    • Reduce the vulnerability of the poor through building capacity and livelihood resilience to disaster risk.
  • The paper concludes by identifying three strands of financing for DFID's disaster risk reduction policy.

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