Displaying 91 - 100 of 473

The Answer is “Yes”—Cost and Willingness to Pay in India

Evaluating Indian customers willingness to pay for business correspondents

The Measurement and Determinants of Economic Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

Identifying practices that cause economic inefficiencies in the microfinance sector

Investing in Mifos: A Framework for Forecasting Return on Investment

How do MFIs estimate the benefits of using Mifos?
Case Study

A Business Case for Microinsurance: An Analysis of the Profitability of Microinsurance for Five Insurance Companies

Understanding the circumstances in which insurance companies generate profits from microinsurance

Responsible Financial Performance: Growth and Profits

Highlighting the importance of responsible financial performance

Do Institutions Matter for Microfinance Profitability? Evidence from Africa

Examining the impact of the institutional environment on MFI profitability

Subsidy Uncertainty and Microfinance Mission Drift

How is the certainty of subsidy connected to MFI mission drift?

Antecedents of Market Orientation in the Microfinance Industry of Pakistan

Understanding the factors behind market orientation of MFPs

Term Structure of Debt and Entrepreneurship: Experimental Evidence from Microfinance

Do early repayment obligations inhibit entrepreneurship?