Displaying 81 - 90 of 473

Global Microfinance Ratings Comparability

Developing a common rating system for microfinance

What Makes Pro-Poor Service Delivery Sustainable for WSBI Partner Banks

Evaluating data from WSBI partner banks to develop templates to measure sustainability

Assessing Agent Profitability: MicroSave's Agent Journal Studies

Highlighting the importance of agents'’ profitability in the banking correspondent model

Using Credit to Grow Savings: Results from a Mobile Pilot in Kenya

Can financial services be sold with minimum human contact?

2011 Middle East and North Africa Regional Snapshot

Identifying key trends in the microfinance sector of Middle East and North Africa in 2011

Determinants of Microcredit Loans Repayment Problem Among Microfinance Borrowers in Malaysia

How can MFIs in Malaysia handle loan repayment problems among their clients?

2012 Asia Regional Snapshot

Examining trends in the Asian microfinance sector in 2012