Displaying 151 - 160 of 473

Consumption, Commercial or Mortgage Loans: Does it Matter for MFIs in Latin America?

Does product composition matter for MFI performance?

MFI's Social Performance Mapping and the Relationship between Financial and Social Performance: Evidences Against the Trade-off Theory

Exploring the relationship between social and financial performance of MFIs

Global Recession and Sustainable Development: The Case of Microfinance Industry in Eastern Europe

How has the economic downturn affected the performance of microfinance industry?

Capital Structure and Sustainability: An Empirical Study of Microfinance Institutions

Exploring the link between capital structure and MFI performance

The Role of Credit Officers in the Performance of Microcredit Loans: Evidence from Vivacred in Brazil

Does the credit officer's ability impact success of microloans?

Increasing Sustainability through Improved Efficiency

Increasing scale of services along with improved efficiencies

Capitalizing on Remittances: FINCA Latin America and Remittance Product Design

Understanding trends in remittances

Asia Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report 2008

Analyzing financial performance, outreach and scale of Asian MFIs

Disclosure and Financial Performance: A Study of Microfinance Institutions of India

Analyzing the financial sustainability of MFIs

Efficiency Drivers of MFIs: The Role of Age

Analyzing the role of age in driving efficiency improvements