Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Discrimination by Microcredit Officers: Theory and Evidence on Disability in Uganda

Discussing mechanisms for mitigating microcredit discrimination

The Impact of External Governance Quality on the Economic Success and Outreach of Microfinance Institutions: Empirical Evidence

Impact of a country’'s institutional environment on MFIs’' success

The Role of Credit Officers in the Performance of Microcredit Loans: Evidence from Vivacred in Brazil

Does the credit officer's ability impact success of microloans?

Microfinance Without the Finance: The Possibility of Scrip-based Development Funding

Exploring feasibility of a scrip-based microfinance scheme

Competition and Altruism in Microcredit Markets

How does competition affect credit supply, borrower welfare and MFI profit?

Subsidies and Financial Performances of the Microfinance Institutions: Does Management Matter?

Influence of management processes on performance of microfinance institutions