Displaying 261 - 270 of 961

Digital Extension Services Improve Farmer Productivity in Uganda

This case study answers the question of whether digital technologies can act as a catalyst in unlocking market constraints with the sole aim of creating the desired impact among the last mile.


Challenging Exclusion: Refugees' Uptake of Mobile Money

This research investigates the appetite of female refugees in Jordan towards mobile money and studies their behavior to better cater to their needs in collaboration with sector players.


Digital Financial Inclusion in Emerging and Developing Economies: A New Index

This paper aims to fill this gap in the existing literature by incorporating both measures of access to and usage of financial services industry into the measurement of financial inclusion.


Savings and Retail Banking in Africa: A Case Study on Mobile Financial Services

This case study​ benchmarks the impact and potential of mobile financial services in several low-income markets in Africa.


2021 State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money

This annual flagship report provides supply-side data and insights from the mobile money industry. 


Agricultural “Platforms” in a Digital Era: Defining the Landscape

This report draws upon decades of academic and business research to extrapolate lessons that can guide the early emergence of agricultural platforms.


Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

This report focuses on building the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for customers to engage with digital financial services.


Brazil-Based Mobile Payments Platform RecargaPay Attracts $70 Million

RecargaPay is a mobile payments platform and wallet for Brazil that is focused on simplifying everyday payments for banked and unbanked consumers in Brazil.


Discover the European Microfinance Week 2020 Conference Report

Delve into the extensive summaries plus full recording of the EMW2020 sessions covering key topics such as the impact of & response to COVID-19, effective & inclusive savings, digital finance, climate change, client protection and more.


Pandemic Gives Extra Momentum to Cashless Drive in Japan

With more people avoiding physical cash amid the COVID-19 pandemic, digital payments are becoming more popular in Japan.