Displaying 121 - 130 of 961
FinDev Blog

What Findex 2021 Tells Us About Financial Inclusion in India

Digital financial services are helping drive financial inclusion, but infrastructural barriers remain.


The Fletcher School at Tufts University Explores Digital Gender Divide With Digital Portfolios of the Poor

The didigital gender divide is the focus of an innovative multinational study launched recently by the Leir Institute for Migration and Human Security at The Fletcher School at Tufts University in partnership with social research firm Decodis, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

FinDev Blog

Artificial Intelligence in Financial Inclusion: How Should Supervisors Respond?

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the financial sector is spreading exponentially across advanced and emerging economies. What are the risks and opportunities presented by these innovations?

External Webinar

EMW2022 Plenary: Building a Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem

The plenary shares insights and research on responsible digital financial services (DFS) including research on the new consumer risks associated with DFS and the development of an ecosystem approach to responsible DFS.

FinDev Blog

Designing for Mixed Realities

A member guest blog by Rathi Mani-Kandt, Head of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Financial Inclusion, CARE and Emma Langbridge, Entrepreneurship Communications Advisor, CARE.


Nigerian Digital Lender Payhippo Acquires Microfinance Bank

Payhippo says this acquisition will enable them to directly access Nigeria’s Inter-bank Settlement System.


Financial Inclusion of Refugees in Jordan

This report looks back at what has been achieved in the financial inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan since 2015, when the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) first launched its initiative to enhance national financial inclusion.

Slide Deck

Mobile Money Agents: Sustainability in the Digital Era - Findings From Mozambique

This report looks at the pressing challenges affecting Mozambican mobile money agents to inform the players in the ecosystem and create sustainable strategies to improve agent networks.


What's In Store for Embedded Finance?

This podcast episode takes a look at what lies ahead for embedded finance, what forms it will take, what the biggest opportunities and risks are in embedded finance and more.


Nextgen Ties up With Sa-dhan to Promote Digital Payments

The partnership intends to help millions of feature-phone users to make digital payments under the microfinance ecosystem.