Displaying 601 - 610 of 697

UBX Mobile ATMs to Expedite Philippine Government's COVID-19 Subsidies

UBX, the fintech company of Union Bank of the Philippines (UnionBank), recently started deploying a rapid and remote mobile-enabled ATM solution in response to COVID-19, as part of its i2i platform. 


AFI Members Mitigate COVID-19 With Policy Responses

AFI member institutions are taking immediate action to ease the financial burdens faced by individuals and small businesses as economic activity decelerates amid the global coronavirus outbreak.


Microfinance Units Urge PM to Extend Loan Moratorium Benefits

Microfinance industry association Sa-dhan has reached out to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking an extension of the loan moratorium benefits to the industry.


A List Of Fintech Firms Providing Free Technology During The Coronavirus Crisis

To help banks help their customers through these trying times, many fintech providers are extending free, discounted, or accelerated deployment offers to financial institutions.

External Webinar

G2P Payments in COVID-19 Context: Key Areas of Action and Experiences From Country Emergency Actions

In social protection and emergency programs like many social assistance payments emerging in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, G2P payments are often the main point of contact of programs with recipients. 


BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s Institutions Establish Measures for the 2.2 Million Entrepreneurs It Serves During the Health Crisis

Aligned with its social purpose and in light of COVID-19’s progress in Latin America, BBVA Microfinance Foundation’s six institutions in five countries in the region have adopted urgent and necessary measures to help its 2.2 million clients cope with this situation.

FinDev Blog

Treating Staff Responsibly During the Pandemic: Three Things to Do Today

How can we get to the other side of coronavirus with customer and employee relationships intact?


NpM Members Issue Investor Statement on Covid-19

A statement on COVID-19 by the Dutch emerging market impact investors, under the banner of NpM.

FinDev Guide

COVID-19 FinDev Weekly Update #2

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past week, carefully curated by FinDev editors for the microfinance and financial inclusion community.