Displaying 581 - 590 of 697

Russians Withdrew a Year’s Worth of Cash in a Month Over Coronavirus Fears

Amid the coronavirus pandemic Russians are stocking up on cash.


Here's How Non-Bank Lenders Plan to Raise Money

Small non-bank lenders plan to come together and sell bonds that make the cut for bank financing.


Microfinance Firms in Turmoil as Collections Come to a Grinding Halt

The lockdown has brought the collection operations of microfinance institutions (MFIs) to a halt, as about 95 percent of the loan repayments are still done through cash.

FinDev Blog

Urgent: A Rescue Plan for the Microfinance Sector

A proposal for key principles and structures to help MFIs and their clients survive the pandemic-induced economic crisis 


Group of Non-Bank Lenders to Issue Pooled Debt Instruments

This will help firms below investment grade access the liquidity tap since such joint effort would typically enhance their credit rating.


FINCA International Launches Emergency Response Fund for COVID-19

FINCA International mobilized to address the needs of the most vulnerable in the countries where it works, launching the FINCA Emergency Response Fund.


Toronto Centre Panel Examines COVID-19: Supervising the New Normal

Using stablecoins to facilitate financial stability and inclusion in unprecedented times.

External Webinar

Virtual Executive Panel - COVID-19: Supervising the New Normal

Using stable coins to facilitate financial stability and inclusion under unprecedented times.


Coronavirus Impact: MFIs Feel There Will Be Pent-Up Demand for Loans After Lockdown Ends

MFIs are hopeful of bouncing back as the stakeholders feel there will be pent-up demand for loans after the lockdown restrictions are lifted.


RBI May Announce Separate Credit Line to Rescue MFIs

MFIs, like other financial institutions, are in a fix over whether they can avail of the moratorium benefit on term-loan repayments given to all borrowers