Showing 141 - 150 of 349

India: Government Survey To Focus on Migrant Woes and Assess Remittance Risk

The household survey will also capture remittance risks to the rural economy until the pandemic is contained.


India: Microfinance Collections Pick up in July, Shows Industry Data

Banks continue to dominate the microfinance sector accounting for 41 percent of the loan share of the industry.


EIB Lends $12M to Credo Bank for Microfinance in Rural Georgia to Offset Effects of COVID-19 on Food Production

Credo will use the funds to on-lend primarily as working capital for people living in rural areas, with the aim of lessening the impacts COVID-19 has had on food production and the country’s agricultural sector.


Pakistan Cites New Transfer Rules in Remittances Boost

In a rare instance of COVID-19 helping a country’ s economy, Pakistan saw a significant uptick in remittances from nationals working overseas in July.


Cambodians Are Bingeing on Microfinance Loans

The downturn brought on by COVID-19 will test the industry.


COVID-19 Driving Increase in Digital Payments in Singapore

Singapore residents are increasingly adopting digital payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a GlobalData report.


Digital Financial Services Must Expand to Address Pandemic Fallout

Bangladesh's financial sector will have to adopt new technologies and services in the post-COVID-19 period for the lenders to move their operations online and address the recent challenges faced by the industry.


Asia-Pacific May See $31.4-54.3 BN Remittance Losses Due to COVID-19: ADB

Asia Pacific, which accounts for a third of the global migrant workforce, is likely to face remittance losses of $31.4-54.3 billion due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said in a report.


Overseas Filipino Worker Remittances May Drop by $5 Billion This Year

Latest data from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) showed cash remittances coursed through banks declined by 6.4 percent to $11.55 billion from January to May compared to $12.35 billion in the same period last year.


Nearly 5,000 Nepali Workers Apply to Return Home on Government Support

Nepali missions abroad are verifying applicants’ status before recommending their names to the government to provide them airfare from Migrant Workers Welfare Fund.