Showing 121 - 130 of 349

In-App Transactions Increase Three-Fold as Qi Card Keeps Economy Moving During Pandemic

Qi Card mobile money offering provides Iraqis with digital means for safe and secure financial transactions.


IFC and Compass Group Announce Investment for up to $21 Million to Help Micro and Small Peruvian Enterprises

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Compass Group have announced an alliance to channel working capital to hundreds of Peruvian companies from multiple economic sectors which have been severely impacted by the economic crisis generated by the COVID–19 pandemic.


GGF and TBC Leasing Expand Access to Local Currency Finance for Energy Efficiency Measures in Georgia

The Green for Growth Fund has provided TBC Leasing with a loan of $5 million equivalent in Georgian lari to bolster energy efficiency measures among small and medium enterprises.


Survey Reveals Extent of the Fallout From the Pandemic on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Nepal

Based on a sample of more than 540 representatives from MSMEs across all provinces, the survey revealed that over 80 percent of businesses have suffered from a slump in sales.


COVID-19: 97 Percent of Small-Scale Farmers in Uganda Register a Decline in Earnings

New research released by Heifer International revealed 97 percent of smallholder farmers in Uganda have seen their income drop since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,


Pakistan: Microfinance During COVID

According to Pakistan Microfinance Network, negative effects of the pandemic are obvious since March 2020.


Top Two Solutions From the COVID-19 Financial Health Challenge

With support from MetLife Foundation, the UNCDF Financial Innovation Lab launched the COVID-19 Financial Health Challenge, focusing on solutions that can help build and improve financial health and resilience of individuals and small businesses.


Why Migrant Workers in Gulf Countries Are Sending Record Amount of Money Home

Overall, remittances to the Asia-Pacific region will drop 12 percent in the second half of 2020 compared with the same period last year, Fitch Ratings says.


EFSE and ProCredit Bank Boost Financing for Ukrainian Agricultural Sector

UAH funding equivalent to EUR 20 million to be on-lent in local currency to small farmers and producers to support economic recovery during COVID-19 crisis.


Undocumented Migrant Workers To Get Government Support for Returning Home

All the government repatriation schemes had excluded undocumented migrant workers, leaving them to languish in COVID-19 hit labor destination countries.