Displaying 301 - 305 of 305

Financial Education and Poverty Prevention in Italy

How can Italy increase its financial literacy quotient?

Trust Through Transparency: Applicability of Consumer Protection Self-regulation to Microfinance

Can consumer rights be protected through MFI self-regulation?
Case Study

Dimensions and Dynamics of Microfinance Membership Overlap: A Micro Study from Bangladesh

Analyzing multiple membership in MFIs

Protecting Deposits in Savings and Credit Cooperatives

Examining measures needed to protect member deposits in savings and credit cooperatives

Persona Segmentation Toolkit

To drive inclusive finance in Nigeria, and  EFInA and WSBI’s Scale2Save program are launching the Persona Segmentation Toolkit which allows financial institutions in Nigeria to use the EFInA financial access data, demographic, and socio economic household data in a simple, practical way.