Displaying 731 - 740 of 910
Case Study

Beyond Numbers: Prizma's Exit Monitoring System

Does an exit monitoring system help in reducing client exit from microfinnace programs?

A New Gender Agenda for Microfinance?

Are women more empowered?

Market Research and Client-Responsive Product Development

How can market research help in responding to the needs of microfinance clients?

Promoting Client-focused Organization: Partner's Exit Monitoring System

Developing an exit monitoring system

Lessons from Pilot Testing Financial Services: The Experience of MicroSave

The 'how' and 'why' of pilot-testing financial services and products

Counting (On) Your Prospective Clients: Guiding Principles in Measuring Microfinance Client Satisfaction and Loyalty

How to Measure client satisfaction in microfinance?

Focusing on Clients: A Satisfaction Survey of ASA Small Loan Members' Groups

Are clients satisfied with ASA's operations?
Case Study

Insurance Policy for Low-income Market Segment in Ghana

Prototype design and development of MIS software for partner-agent projects in microinsurance

Downscaling Institutions and Competitive Microfinance Markets: Reflections and Case Studies from Latin America

Will large financial institutions dominate the microfinance market?

Leasing - An Underutilized Tool in Rural Finance

How can leasing improve access to investment financing for farms and other rural enterprises?