Displaying 711 - 720 of 910

Report Regional Microfinance Development Project NTB The MFI Survey

Microfinance institutions and their performance in a remote area of Indonesia - A survey

Market Research for MicroFinance: 7 Cautions and a Recommendation

Assessing client needs using market research tools

Scoring Drop-Out at a Microlender in Bolivia

How can scoring help microlenders address client drop-outs?

Towards a Benchmark for Access to Life Insurance in LSM 1-5

Has FinScope been accurate in its findings about the ownership of insurance products?

The Common Denominator: Numbers Using Cross-country and Micro Data on Access

Methods of measuring access, an exploration

Unearthing Embedded Services in South Africa's Construction Sector : Some Experiences

How to ensure that continuous Embedded Services are provided to micro and small enterprises?

Understanding Demand for Microinsurance: A Crucial Step to Develop Market-led Products

Will micro insurance succeed in the face of present inhibitors?

Analysis of Client Assessment Data

How can client assessment be accurate and effective?
Case Study

Report of the Findings from the LAPO Client Exit Study: Nigeria 2003

Why are clients leaving Life Above Poverty Organization's microfinance program?