Displaying 671 - 680 of 910

Assessment of the Research And Capacity Building For Product Development in Microfinance Project

Strengthening MFIs' capacity to design and develop new and improved financial products for clients
Guide / Toolkit

Institutional and Product Development Risk Management Toolkit

Providing guidelines on preventing unnecessary cost and product failures
Case Study

AIG Uganda

Lessons learned in developing insurance products for MFI's clients
Guide / Toolkit

Institutionalizing Market Intelligence: An Important Step to Becoming a Client-focused MFI

Investing in market intelligence by MFIs to become client focused
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit: Strategic Marketing for MicroFinance Institutions

Responding better to clients' needs with a market-led approach
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit: Process Mapping and Risk Analysis

What role can process mapping play in improving MFIs key functions and activities?
Guide / Toolkit

Crafting A Money Transfers Strategy: Guidance For Pro-Poor Financial Service Providers (Occasional Paper No. 10)

The operational and strategic considerations involved in launching a money transfer product

An Inter-Country Survey of the Relative Costs of Bank Accounts

How does South Africa fare in the area of transactional banking?

Strategic Marketing for Microfinance Institutions (Study)

Strategic marketing: key to client-responsive and market-led approach to microfinance

Repay As You Earn

What is the relationship between transaction costs, savings and repayment of loans?