Displaying 551 - 560 of 910

Is there a Link between Quality of Employment and Indebtedness? The Case of Urban Low-income Households in Ecuador

Exploring risks associated with growing informalization of employment

Costs of Basic Services in Kerala, 2007 Education, Health, Childbirth and Finance (Loans)

Examining pattern and cost of services critical to households
Case Study

Suvidha: Launching the Beam Card

Streamlining money transfers for unbanked consumers

Who are the Ultra Poor? Descriptive Statistics from Baseline Survey of SKS-UPP

Mapping socio-economic and demographic characteristics of clients
Case Study

Financial Landscape Baseline: Service Innovations of Pro Mujer Peru

Service innovations to improve financial services access
Case Study

Innovative Rural Finance in India: ICICI Bank's Credit Access Points

Examining an innovative rural finance model
Case Study

Enhancing the Impact of Microfinance: Client Demand for Health Protection Services on Three Continents

Potential of microfinance as a platform for delivering complementary health services

Cost of Illness: Evidence from a Study in Five Resource-Poor Locations in India

Analyzing cost of an illness episode to assess finance needs for healthcare among the poor