Displaying 471 - 480 of 910

Demand, Access & Use of Financial Services: FINSCOPE II 2009 Findings

Examining financial access in Uganda
Case Study

Expanding Opportunities through Microfinance in Cape Verde

Providing access to financial services and sustainable financial institutions

The Potential of Leasing through Microfinance Institutions in Emerging Markets

Delivering leasing services through MFIs

Branchless Banking 2010: Who's Served? At What Price? What's Next?

Will large-scale investment in branchless banking pay off?

Characteristics of Mumbai Microfinance Market

Understanding the needs of microfinance clients in Mumbai

Feasibility of Engaging Corporate Retail Networks as Business Correspondents of Banks: A Study

Can banks engage corporate retail networks as business correspondents?

The Psychology of Microinsurance: Small Changes Can Make a Surprising Difference

Overcoming challenges in designing microinsurance marketing campaigns and product

Breaking the Barriers: Market Expansion through Individual Lending

Helping MFIs develop individual lending products

Creating Incentives to Save Among Microfinance Borrowers: A Behavioral Experiment from Guatemela

Examining the relationship between savings and loan repayment